Saturday 30 July 2011

ollies diary post 2

I woke up at Alex's and went to his game and he droped me back home i had to go to another soccer game i was thinking why even try!?! as we got to lenah Vally i was wanting to go home and say we lost. but the start was good but in the first ten seconds BEN SCORED!!!! we scored!!! finally! and then AGAIN! BEN SCORED AGAIN! and then again........ then tan tun scored!!! WOW!??!??!??! a while after that what no one thought would happen Sam fare SCORED!!! and then the final whistle blew and i didn't score!!! i went home disappointed but happy that we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went on black ops and did two long games of nuke town it was fun it was time to go to karate my first class ever it was so fun now i will be NINJA!!!!! judo and karate i got home and watched Simpson's until dad told me to get off and annoyed ma until dinner after that i watched t.v again and then made this blog entry today was really fun

30/07/2011 9:18pm

Friday 22 July 2011

ollies diary post 1

today's entry is a very boring one but whatever... dad got me up at 8!!!!!! it was tiring but then i had to go to soccer it was 2 degress!!!

when we got there it was frezzzzzzeing, my toes where numb!!! and all that to lose!!! BY FIVE GOALS!! it was crap! but i did get a mars bar from the coach so it was sucseful! as we got home i got dressed into good clothes and played C.O.D black ops i played 3 capter the flags ans 3 sharp shoters then mum told me to get off!!! like what i had only been on there for like an hour or two!!!!!! then i ate a pear that was the funnest thing of the day you would agree a pear is the funnest thing of my day and thats compered to black ops!!!!!! (and thats hard) and then i made this blog so that is my entery i am very happy that you could be botherd to read this far good jod and sorry for the spelling mistakes i can't spell if my life depended on it (i think i got the word depended right please say so on the comments page) thanks for reading

               23/07/2011 1:30 saturday