Friday 22 July 2011

ollies diary post 1

today's entry is a very boring one but whatever... dad got me up at 8!!!!!! it was tiring but then i had to go to soccer it was 2 degress!!!

when we got there it was frezzzzzzeing, my toes where numb!!! and all that to lose!!! BY FIVE GOALS!! it was crap! but i did get a mars bar from the coach so it was sucseful! as we got home i got dressed into good clothes and played C.O.D black ops i played 3 capter the flags ans 3 sharp shoters then mum told me to get off!!! like what i had only been on there for like an hour or two!!!!!! then i ate a pear that was the funnest thing of the day you would agree a pear is the funnest thing of my day and thats compered to black ops!!!!!! (and thats hard) and then i made this blog so that is my entery i am very happy that you could be botherd to read this far good jod and sorry for the spelling mistakes i can't spell if my life depended on it (i think i got the word depended right please say so on the comments page) thanks for reading

               23/07/2011 1:30 saturday

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